Church of England
All Saints Church, Weston is the Church of England parish church for Weston Village in Bath.
All Saints is part of the Deanery of Bath within the Diocese of Bath and Wells.

The Church of England is the established Christian church in England.
Belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is at the heart of our faith. Christians believe that Jesus is God’s Son. Jesus reveals to us that God is our Father, and that God is available to us through the Holy Spirit.
The Church of England is part of a worldwide fellowship of Christians called the Anglican Communion. This Anglican Communion reaches across 161 different countries and includes over 70 million individual members. Therefore, being an Anglican means much more than belonging to a local parish church: it means joining a vast family of Christians across the whole world.
The Church is led by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and 106 other bishops. They provide guidance and direction to the churches across the country and make decisions on the Church in society.
Church of England Website.

The Diocese of Bath and Wells
The Diocese of Bath and Wells is a diocese in the Church of England Province of Canterbury in England. The Diocese of Bath and Wells is one of 41 Church of England dioceses in the country. The diocese stretches from Portishead in the north to Crewkerne in the south, Minehead in the west to Frome in the east.
The diocese loves and serves in the region of 1,000,000 people who live here through its family of 466 parishes and 181 church schools. This family works for the good of local communities in a range of practical as well as pastoral ways; caring for the vulnerable in our societies, supporting local families and encouraging children and young people. We support our communities in times of joy and in times of sorrow and are pleased to conduct Life Event services for our parishoners, such as Baptisms, weddings and funerals. Find out more about how to get in touch with All Saints about 'Life Events'
Everything the diocese does is underpinned by prayer and worship and is driven by its vision that:
“In response to God’s immense love for us, we seek to be God’s people, living and telling the story of Jesus.”
We seek to live this story as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world and to tell it, both in sharing the good news and by the way in which our lives speak about Him.

The Rt Revd Michael Beasley is the current Bishop of Bath and Wells.

The Ven Dr Adrian Youings is the current Archdeacon of Bath
Diocese of Bath and Wells Website

Bath Deanery
A Deanery is made up of of all the Anglican parishes in a local area and its Synod is the body of laity and clergy who represent them. There are 19 deaneries in the Diocese of Bath & Wells, and Bath is the largest of them – by the number of members it’s churches have.
Our vision is focused around prayerfulness, hospitality and innovation.
There are 40 churches across the deanery, from North Stoke in the west to Bathford in the east, from Langridge in the north and Hinton Charterhouse in the south and across the City of Bath.
Currently, the Area Dean is Rev’d Stephen Girling, the Lay Dean is Pippa Page and the Deanery Administrator is Fiona Hasoon
Bath Deanery Website
The Church of England plays a vital role in the life of the nation, proclaiming the Christian Gospel in words and actions and providing services of Christian worship and praise.
Archbishop Justin Welby says
'The most important decision any person can ever make is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. It’s the best thing anyone can do.'