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Seven priorities for All Saints Church in 2022 

Given the many uncertainties we face this year, there would be a temptation to say ‘everything must be put on hold until ….’ but that is not the stance the church leadership is taking. The PCC has in fact endorsed seven priorities for 2022 which will underpin most of the activity and thinking this year. These priorities are:
To thrive as a church – despite the uncertainties and challenges
To appoint a new Rector – in partnership with North Stoke and Langridge Churches
To press ahead with the ROCK Project -raising the funds and completing the design work
To foster a church culture where all contribute and all receive
To reinvest in Youth & Children’s work – both inside the church and outside
To build on ‘Discover God’s Heart’ – especially in relation to the community of Weston
To balance the books – fulfilling all our financial commitments 

For a more detailed statement of these priorities, click here